The Hebron Historical Society
Hebron, Connecticut
Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™
Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™
Henry Peters biography from Black Roots in Southeastern Connecticut 1650-1900. Hewas the youngest son of Cesar and Lois Peters’ 10 children.
In 2020 we initiated a long-term research project to explore the lives of the free African American Peters family in early 19th-century Hebron, Connecticut. The project includes historical research and an archaeological investigation of the remains of the house that Cesar and Sim Peters purchased in 1806. This work is part of a larger collaborative project that is being carried out by Hebron historian John Baron, the Connecticut Office of State Archaeology (OSA), the Friends of the Office of State Archaeology (FOSA), Peters family descendants, the Hebron Historical Society, teachers and students from the Regional Hebron, Andover, and Marlborough (RHAM) school district, and the Witness Stones Project, to raise awareness of the African-American history of Hebron through public history and archaeology events, popular publications, curriculum building, and the installation of Witness Stone monuments at significant locations in town. This paper presents a summary history of the Peters family and their home site, and reports the preliminary results of the first season of archaeological work at the site.
The Cesar Peters & Sym Peters Site: A Multidisciplinary Collaboration building awareness of Racial Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Hebron, Connecticut
Excerpts from Phase I Archaeological investigation of Henry Peters property. Items cataloged and listed that were found on the property.
References to Cesar Peters’ family in the personal account book of Governor John S. Peters provide courtesy of Nathan Liverant and Son Antiques, Colchester, Connecticut and the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History (formerly the Connecticut Historical Society) Hartford, Connecticut
1 hat $.25
1 coat 1.00
1 pr pants .25
1 do (ditto) .25
3 old shirts .50
1 pr linen stockings . 25
1 pr boots .75
3 vest 1.00
2 beds 2.50
2 woolen blankets ,50
1 mirror .17
5 cotton quilts 1.25
2 bedsteads .25
1 rocking chair 1.67
10 wood-seat chairs. 1.67
Shovel and tongs .17
2 tables .34
Tin ware 1.00
Crockery 1.00
Jugs and jars .75
Brass kettle .50
Iron ware .50
2 water pails .25
1 chest .17
1 case of drawers .25
3 hoes .17
3 cider casks 1.17
Iron bar 1.00
Scythe and snath 1.00
Grindstone .50
1 chain .50
Bush scythe and adze .17
Old iron .50
2 saws .75
1 shovel .62
1 basket .17
1 auger .25
Pork 4.00
Salt fish 1.00
Hay 10.00
1 hog 10.00
Cash 34.00
House and lot 400.00