The Hebron Historical Society
Hebron, Connecticut
Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™
Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™
Half acre from Sylvester Gilbert 1845
Volume 19 Page 68
Warranty Deed
To all People to whom these Presents come – Greeting
Know ye that I Sylvester Gilbert of Hebron in Tolland County for the consideration of thirty-four dollars received to my full satisfaction of Henry Peters of Said Hebron
Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Henry Peters one certain tract of land in said Hebron bounded as follows – beginning by the road at said Henry’s northwest corner and thence running southerly by his land twenty rods to a pile of stones thence south 79 degrees West four rods to stake and stones thence northeasterly parallel with his land to stake and stones by the highway thence Easterly by said way four rods to the place of beginning containing half an acre of land
To have and to hold, the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances there of unto him the said Henry Peters, his heirs and assigns for ever to his and their own proper use and behoof, And also I, the said Sylvester Gilbert do for myself and heirs, executors, and administrators covenant with said Henry Peters his heirs, assigns, that at, and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free from all incumbrances whatsoever.
And furthermore, I the said Sylvester Gilbert do by these presents, bind myself and my heirs forever to warrant and defend the above granted and bargained premises to him the said Henry Peters his heirs and assigns, against all claims and demands whatsoever.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of August Anno Domini 1845
Signed, sealed and delivered
In the presence of
Ralph Gilbert
Sylvester G Gilbert Sylvester Gilbert
Tolland ss Hebron August 9th A.D. 1845
Personally appeared Sylvester Gilbert signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledge the same to be his free act and deed, before me, Ralph Gilbert Justice Peace
Received on August 9th, 1845 and recorded by Chas G Buell Asst Register.
Acquires 1 ¼ acres from estate of Sylvester Gilbert
Vol 19, page 108
December 12, 1846
Warranty Deed
To all People to whom these Presents come – Greeting
Know ye that we Sylvester G. Gilbert and George G Force both of Hebron in Tolland County and State of Connecticut for the consideration of forty five dollars received to our full satisfaction of Henry Peters of Said Hebron
Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Peters a certain tract or parcel of land in said Hebron bounded and described as follows Viz Bounded on the north by said Peters land on the west by William P Gilbert’s land on the South by William P Gilbert’s land and land belonging to Joseph Gilbert and other heirs of the late Judge Gilbert deceased and on the east by land belonging to said Joseph Gilbert and said heirs containing about one acre and one quarter of Land and is the same land conveyed to us by the execution of the late Hon. Sylvester Gilbert deceased
To have and to hold, the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances there of unto him the said Henry Peters, his heirs and assigns for ever to his and their own proper use and behoof, And also we , the said Gilbert & Force do for ourselves and heirs, executors, and administrators covenant with said Henry Peters his heirs, assigns, that at, and until the ensealing of these presents, We are well seized of the premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free from all incumbrances whatsoever.
And furthermore, We the said Gilbert & Force do by these presents, bind ourselves and our heirs forever to warrant and defend the above granted and bargained premises to him the said Peters his heirs and assigns, against all claims and demands whatsoever.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and seal this 26th day of December Anno Domini 1846
Signed, sealed and delivered
In the presence of
Ralph Gilbert Sylvester G Gilbert
Henry H fitch George G Force
Tolland County S S Hebron Dec 26 A D 1846
Personally appeared Sylvester G Gilbert & George Force signers and Sealers of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledge the same to be their free act and Pliny Perker Esq his guardian also appeared, commenting and approving of the same, before me, Ralph Gilbert Justice Peace
Received Dec 29 1846 recd by Charles Buell Asst Register
Acquires land from William Pitt Gilbert (William Pitt Gilbert was deaf, so he was assisted by a guardian –Pliny Parker)
Vol 19, page 164
January 30, 1849
Warranty Deed
To all People to whom these Presents come – Greeting
Know ye that I William P Gilbert of Hebron in Tolland County and State of Connecticut with the consent of his Guardian Pliny Parker and for the consideration of ten dollars received to my full satisfaction of Henry Peters of Said Hebron
Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Henry Peters a certain tract of land in said Hebron containing about sixty square rods more or less bounded as follows – Beginning at the southwest corner of said henry’s land thence running westerly by my woodland about four rods to a pile of stones, thence northerly by my land to an angle on said Henry’s land, thence easterly by said Henry’s land about four rods to an angle, thence southerly by said Henry’s land to the place of beginning
To have and to hold, the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances there of unto him the said Henry Peters, his heirs and assigns for ever to his and own proper use and behoof, And also I, the said William P Gilbert do for myself and mt heirs, executors, and administrators covenant with said Henry Peters his heirs, assigns, that at, and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as is above written, and that the same is free from all incumbrances whatsoever.
And furthermore, I the said William P. Gilber do by these presents, bind myself and my heirs forever to warrant and defend the above granted and bargained premises to him the said Henry Peters his heirs and assigns, against all claims and demands whatsoever.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and seal this 16th day of Decr in the year of Lord 1848
Signed, sealed and delivered
In the presence of
George Gillet William P Gilbert
Ralph Gilbert Pliny Parker Guardian
State of Connecticut
County of Tolland ss Hebron April 5th A.D. 1851
Personally appeared William P Gilber tsigner and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledge the same to be his free act and and Pliny Perker Esq his guardian also appeared, commenting and approving of the same, before me, Ralph Gilbert Justice Peace
Received on Jany 20 1849and recorded by Lucius F Hendee Reg’r