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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

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The View to the West # 8 Marjorie Circle

Marjorie Circle

Marjorie Circle West View

Tennant postcard

Fuller’s Tavern stood until 1888 where Route 66 crests the hill before the traffic light. It stood to the left of the Tennant postcard view reproduced above. Today, not only has Fuller’s Tavern disappeared, but several other structures have also vanished as well. The Crane House and Conference House no longer remain (located to the left of the postcard view). This early 20th century photograph shows Marjorie Circle when it was the primary route to Marlborough before Route 66 was built. The Conference House served as a lecture hall for people in Hebron. In an age of rudimentary newspapers and without internet media, the Conference House provided a lecture room where speakers could talk about important topics, such as the effects of the Fugitive slave Act on New England’s Black population, the role of states’ rights, or Darwinian thoughts on evolution. Eventually the Conference House was turned into a garage and then demolished.

Think about it

Do you or your family ever attend special programs together? If so, what type? Do you ever watch a documentary program with your family on TV?

What other buildings do you see in the postcard that are no longer standing today?

Where to go next

From here continue to walk down Marjorie Circle

Meet Your Neighbors QR Tours funded by the Hebron Greater Together Community Fund in conjunction with the Hebron Historical Society