The Hebron Historical Society
Hebron, Connecticut
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Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™
Will of Sim Peters
In the name of God amen
I Sim Peters of Hebron in the County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, being somewhat in a low state of Health, but of a sound disposing mind and memory, do hereby make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following (viz)
Premis- I will that my just Debts be paid by my Executor hereafter named
Item? -I give & bequeath to my daughter Celia Peeton wife of Samuel Petton all my moveable Estate to be hers forever, except what I have hereinafter given to Sally Morgan, Susanna Fitch, Zeba Worthington Louisa Williams, daughter of my late husband Caesar Peters deceased.
Item I give & bequeath to said Sally one iron pot the pot holding a pailfull.
Item I give & bequeath to said Susanna five shillings in money to be paid by my executor.
Item I give & bequeath to sd Louisa one middling sized pewter platter.
And whereas my late husband said Caesar Peters deceased in & by his last Will divesed all his Real Estate to me during my widowhood and in & by sd Will impowering me to give the same to such one of his children as I should appoint and divest – now therefore I have this day in pursuance of sd power executed & delivered to Henry Peters who is one of the children of sd deceased a Quit Claim deed of all the Real Estate of which the sd deceased did possessed –Which Deed I hereby direct to be considered as the completion & fulfillment of said power vested in me by sd Will and I do hereby appoint John S. Peters Executor of this my estate?
An inventory of the estate of Sim Peters late of Hebron
Appraised by Capt Amos Strong & Capt. Reuben Mann
Under oath
1 featherbed $3.00
1 do do 3.00
2 under do 00.50
1 green quilted coverlid 1.00
__ __________ do 00.50
1 do do do 00.12 ½
1 pr cotton sheets 3.00
1 do Hum do 2.00
1 do old linen 00.25
1 pillow case 00.25
2 bolsters 00.50
1 bonnet 00.12
1 Brown outer gown 2.00
1 striped do 3.00
1 gingham do 1.67
1 cotton do 00.50
1 old striped linen do 00.25
1 silk cloak 4.00
1 cotton half shawl 00.25
1 do white do 00.42
1 _______________ do 00.25
1 muslin _______ 00.42
2 petticoats 00.25
1 umbrella silk 2.50
1 red broad cloth cloak 00.10
1 bake kettle 00.34
1 iron skillet 00.34
1 looking glass 00.25
1 pot iron 1.34
1 kettle 1.00
Carried up 34.96
Second column
Brought up 34.96
2 tables 1.00
2 chests 1.75
9 chairs 2.34
Quart basons (pewter) _________
5 pt do do 00.85?
8 pewter plates 2.00
2 teapots 00.50
1 pewter platter 00.17
1 tea kettle 1.00
1 pr andirons 2.00
1 slice & pair tongs 1.50
1 spider 00.12
1 pr shoes 00.17
1 great wheel 00.50
1 small do 2.50
1 hand reel 00.06
1 wheel head 1.25
1 sassage jack 00.25
2 bedsteads 1.50
Note on N Russel 8.33
3 glass tumblers 00.67
35 junk bottles 2.50
4 case bottles 00.34
1 frying pan 1.00
1 toasting iron 00.12 ½
Total 73.17
Amos Strong
Reuben Mann
Historical Inventories
When a person died in the 18th and early 19th century, a list or inventory was created of everything of value they owned, so that if necessary, these items could be sold to settle any debts. Each item was given a realistic value. An inventory provides historians with a way of knowing what people owned when they died. However, it’s important to realize that during a person’s lifetime, they may have sold or given away other things that would not appear in an inventory. When Cesar Peters’ inventory was taken the values were given in dollars and cents. The quantity of items is listed on the far left, the item or items are then described and the value appears on the far right.
Many terms in an early inventory will seem strange to you and understanding them requires much investigation. The following might help to make things a little clearer:
Do means ditto or same as the above
Bedstead is the wooden frame for what we call a bed today
Bed means something like a mattress
Scythes, sickles and snathes are tools used to harvest grain or cut hay
Beettle is a large hammer
Porter is a type of beer
A bason is a bowl
A clevy is a ring used to hook a farm cart to horses or oxen
Earthen ware was usually locally made pottery
Pewter was a soft metal used to make plates, bowls and mugs
Looking glass was a mirror hung on the wall
Warming pan was a metal pan filled with hot coals to warm the bed sheets at night
An inventory of the estate both real and personal of Cesar Peters late of Hebron deceased—
Taken and appraised by us the subscribers
Real Estate and farm assets
1 House 2 stories high, small barn and 2 acres of land 250 00
Farm related
1 cow 21 00
1 hog 15 00
2 ½ tons of hay estimated at $10 25 00
1 prayer book 50
3 old beds (mattresses) @$4 12 00
3 under beds (mattresses) 2 00
5 old bed quilts 3 75
1 pair new linen sheets @$2.50 2 50
2 pair old linen sheets $3 each 6 00
1 old sheet 75
1 pair pillow cases 17
2 old bolsters 50
2 old pillows 34
Textile production and care
1 pair wool combs 25
1 do damaged 25
1 pair flat irons 83
3 clothes baskets 66
1 clothes line 40
Wearing apparel
1 Napt hat 4 00
1 silk vest 1 50
1 Kerseymear (finely woven wool) vest 75
2 old vest 34
1 Pair Nankin (pale yellow cotton cloth) pantaloons 75
1 Neck handkerchief 25
1 old shirt 25
1 shirt check’d 20
4 old pair pantaloons 50
1 surtout (coat) 2 00
1 woolen coat 4 00
1 colored Nankin (pale yellow cotton cloth) coat 50
1 pair of stockings 50
1 silk handkerchief 50
1 pair old shoes 34
1 pair stockings 50
1 pair mittens 17
1 razor and strap 25
1 leather apron 34
1 Pocket book 50
4 bedsteads 1 25
2 chest @ $1 2 00
2 chests @ $.25 50
1 Meal chest 50
12 Kitchen chairs 2 00
1 stand table 25
3 tables 1 50
3 bed cords 1 00
1 looking glass 50
1 do small 25
Household Kitchen equipment
26 round porter (beer) bottles 2 25
4 do do do 31
4 square do do 72
1 two quart bottle 50
1 do do do 34
1 warming pan (for warming beds on cold nights) 2 00
1 frying pan 75
2 spiders (small frying pan) @ 7 Skillet /7 1 do /10 44
3 iron pots 3 50
3 do kettles 2 25
1 tea kettle 25
1 iron bason 34
1 small brass kittle (kettle) 1 25
1 pair steelyards (scale for measuring weight) 34
3 candlesticks 75
1 do firedogs (andiron) 1 00
2 trammels and hooks (for hanging pots over fire) 1 50
Slice (fireplace shovel) and tongs 50
Gridiron 10
Old chains 1 00
Serving or Table wares
8 earthen plates 67
1 quart mug 17
2 pewter plates 2 00
5 quart basins 1 67
1 do cup 75
1 tea pot qt 83
1 do do small 42
1 Quart glass 2 pints do 4 ½ pt do and 8 wine do 1 34
1 old pewter tea pot 25
1 whiteware pot 1 00
1 stone pot 34
2 small jugs 17
1 tin roaster 17
2 wooden bowls 34
2 pewter platters 34
1 tin pail 1 do pan 1 do with handles 83
2 wood pails 67
6 tea cups and saucers 50
1 sett china (tea) 5 00
1 tea basket 10
Dairy Equipment
2 earthen milk pans 34
1 cheese tub and hoop 2 50
1 churn 34
Farming tools
1 beetle rings and 2 wedges
1 cradle (support to catch cut grain) and scythe 50
1 small grain scythe 50
1 half bushel 50
6 meal bags 4 50
2 old dry casks 17
1 Man’s saddle 2 00
1 old half bushel 10
1 old wheel spindle 50
2 old scythes 44
1 snathes and blades 34
1 sickle 25
3 old bushel baskets 75
1 taper bit 2 gimblets and pincers basic carpenter tools) 50
2 Provision Barrels @ / 50 1 00
10 old cider do at /34 3
1 axe __ 1 shovel __1 old axe 34 2 34
1 plough 4 clevy and pin (hook for a cart) 31 pitch fork /7 and 1 do 5 35
1 iron pin /7 2 rakes /34 2 hoes 84 1 35
1 sieve 08
2 pad locks 34
18 old casks 2 50
Food stuffs
1 ½ barrels of cornmeal 1 50
1 ½ do rye do 2 00
Pork estimated 30 lbs at 12 cts 3 60
400 07
add 62
400 69
Reuben Mann
Joseph T. Burnham
A list of receipts on the estate follows totaling $232.36
$7.61 funeral expense related items
Understanding a will as a primary document
A will is written (or drawn up) before a person dies. The person must be of “sound mind” in order to do so and its purpose is to provide those who will inherit items (heirs) with an understanding of what the person making the will wants done after they die. A will also names who will carry out the deceased wishes (an executor). Imprimis means “in the first place”. A codicil is an attachment
Will of Cesar Peters
I Ceser Peters of Hebron in the County of Tolland being of sound mind disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto each of my Children Cesar, Doras, Henry, Sally Sussanah Ziba and Lovinia each ten cents paid by my executor out of the _____ of my estate paying all my just debts and funeral charges for within twelve months of my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto each of the Children of my son James deceased one cent if called for within twelve months after my decease to be paid by my executor
Item the remaining part of my estate both real and personal I give to my well beloved wife Sim Peters so long as she remains my widow and is further my will that whenever she shall cease to be my widow that whatever of my estate she shall receive in consequence of this my last will and testament shall go to such one of my Children as she shall direct but if she neglects to make such decision the estate shall go to my son Henry to be his solely and absolutely
Item I do hereby nominate appoint and constitute John S. Peters to be sole Executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have _______ to set my hand and seal this 25th day of June 1814
Cesar Peters his mark
Since making the within will I Ceser Peters have thought proper to make the following alterations by way of a Codocil viz To my wife Sim Peters I give in addition to what I have given her before the following articles to be hers forever viz two beds and bedding one iron pot and kettle one looking glass which she brought with her two tables two chests nine chairs and all such other articles as she brought with her at the time I married her together with my sett of China Ware
Cesar Peters his mark
We the undersigned heard the foregoing Codicil to the written will_____
The presence of the testator and in the presence of each other and heard him declare the same to be part of his final will and testament
Hebron 25 June 1814
Daniel Kellogg
Reuban Mann
Leonard Hendee
Interesting History Written on Tolland County’s First Governor by Hebron Woman
Susan Pendleton published in the Rockville Leader January 22, 1937
“A story is told of the governor (John S. Peters) by Mrs. Annis Welles, a niece, now deceased. At the time he was serving his state the stage coach and mail wagon were the only public conveyances. He was in Hartford and coming home by way of stage.
A colored woman asked for a passage. “I cannot take you. I have got to take the governor, “said the driver. “Let me see the governor, “said the woman.
“Get right in, Liddie, get in!” said the governor as soon as he saw her. She knew very well that she had only to see him. Her husband was Henry (or Harry) Peters a descendant of one of the Rev. Samuel Peters slaves, whom the governor used to call “his colored cousins”.
“The birthplace of Governor Peters is remembered by an older generation of Hebron people, as a long, low story and half high house, painted red.” And stood next to Burnt Hill Park.
Henry Peters was the youngest son of Cesar and Lois Peters’ 10 children
Henry was born circa 1788 in Hebron
On February 14 1813 Henry Peters married Lydia Adams in Chatham, CT (East Hampton).
1820 he lived in Chatham with 5 in his household
In 1830 Henry lived in Hebron with 7 in his household
Henry died on August 21, 1862 in Hebron during the Civil War
Henry’s wife Lydia Adams Peters died on September 14, 1886 in Hartford
Their children
Horace born about 1815 married Almira Russell in 1863. They lived in Hebron. Horace died in Hartford in 1881
Henry born about 1818 married Emily Russell in 1843 in Colchester.
He moved to Portland in 1843 and moved to Hebron in 1846. He died in Hebron in 1893. His house stood on the west side of Route 85 across from Holbrook Pond Road
Marietta born about 1818, married Edward Soto of Hartford in 1849
She died in Hartford in 1883
Caroline born about 1818 married Lyman Barber
John born about 1832
Emily Adams born about 1833 married Amster Dingle in 1855 in Harford
She died in 1888 in Middletown
Still born child born on April 22, 1834
Family tree provided by Jay Whitsett
Cesar Peters married Lois Peters and they had 10 children. One of their children was Henry Peters. He was born in 1788. Henry Peters married Lydia Elizabeth Adams and they had 6 children. One of their children was named after his father. Henry peters Jr. (I use Jr to distinguish between the two Henry’s. I have not come across anything that’s official) was born in 1818. Henry Peters Jr. married Emily Russell and they had 5 children. One of their children was Charles Henry Peters. Charles Henry Peters got married to Margaret Sullivan from County Cork, Ireland. Henry and Margaret are my Great Grandparents. They had 11 children. One of those is my Grandmother Mary Agnes Peters. Mary Agnes Peters married Robert John Harris, my grandfather. They had Mary Richardetta Harris (Aunt Richie), Thomas Ford (Uncle Tommy) Sarah Louise (Aunt Sadie) Robert John Jr (Uncle Bob) Arthur Benjamin (Uncle Arthur) my mother (Myrtle Liberty) Frederick Joseph (Uncle Fred) David Rowe (Uncle David) and Clarence William (Uncle Bill)